WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discount Rules


– 14 Aug 2024

  • bug fix

    Minor fixes related to the Product based additional quantity discounts

  • enhancement

    Plugin UI Enhancement

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 9.1.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 6.6.x


– 13 May 2024

  • bug fix

    Minor bug fixed

  • enhancement

    Plugin UI Enhancement

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 8.8.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 6.5.x


– 13 Sep 2023

  • bug fix

    Minor fixes related to the Product specific condition

  • bug fix

    Minor fixes related to the plugin design

  • enhancement

    Quick fix related to the Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 8.1.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 6.3.x


– 10 Aug 2023

  • new

    BOGO(Buy One Get One) module introduced

  • new

    Product adjustment module introduced

  • new

    Number of orders made with the following products

  • new

    Duplicate BOGO rule functionality

  • new

    Introduce general setting for product adjustment

  • enhancement

    New design implementation

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce HPOS/COT

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce Product Table (Barn2 Plugins)

  • enhancement

    Add TinyMCE editor for discount content

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 8.0.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 6.3.x


– 24 Jan 2023

  • bug fix

    Minor bug fixed

  • new

    Enable/disable toggle on listing

  • new

    Text color and background color for the discount message

  • new

    Advanced fee price rule – cost on product subtotal

  • new

    Advanced fee price rule – cost on product weight

  • new

    Advanced fee price rule – cost on category subtotal

  • new

    Advanced fee price rule – cost on category weight

  • new

    Advanced fee price rule – cost on Total Cart Qty

  • new

    Advanced fee price rule – cost on Total Cart Weight

  • new

    Advanced fee price rule – cost on Total Cart Subtotal

  • new

    Advanced fee price rule – cost on Shipping Class Subtotal

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 7.3.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 6.1.x


– 21 Nov 2022

  • bug fix

    Minor bug fixed

  • bug fix

    Licensing/Trademark Violation issue has been fixed

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 7.1.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 6.1.x


– 06 Sep 2022

  • bug fix

    Minor bug fixes related to the Currency format

  • bug fix

    User role based rule not working

  • bug fix

    Improved discount rules loading time

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WPML plugin

  • enhancement

    UI design fixes

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 6.8.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 6.0.x


– 11 May 2022

  • new

    Apply discount on line item count

  • new

    Apply the discount rule for the login user

  • new

    Apply discount on specific days

  • new

    Apply discount on Products with a quantity range

  • new

    Apply discount on Product’s category with a quantity range

  • enhancement

    Added And / Or condition to “Discount Rules for checkout” section

  • enhancement

    Update UI changes

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 6.5.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.9.x


– 28 Dec 2021

  • bug fix

    User role based rule not working

  • new

    Discount message only for specific products

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 5.6.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.8.x


– 27 Oct 2021

  • bug fix

    Minor bug fixed

  • new

    Include or exclude sale products from the discount rule

  • new

    Discount rule on last order amount with the specific amount

  • new

    Discount rule on total spent on orders

  • new

    Discount rule on the number of orders placed

  • new

    Discount rule on product-specific quantity

  • new

    Discount rule on user’s email

  • new

    Discount rule on shipping price

  • new

    Discount applied on first order of user

  • new

    Display custom message on the product details page

  • new

    Search discount name from the list on the setting page

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 5.8.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.8.x


– 24 Aug 2021

  • bug fix

    Always apply the discount with tax amount

  • new

    Added time specific discount

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 5.6.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.8.x


– 27 July 2021

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 5.5.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.8.x


– 07 July 2021

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 5.3.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.1.x


– 02 Feb 2021

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 4.9.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.6.x


– 17 Dec 2020

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 4.8.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.6.x


– 25 Nov 2020

  • bug fix

    Minor bug fixed


– 29 Sep 2020

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 4.5.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.4.x


– 08 May 2020

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 4.1.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.4.x


– 03 Dec 2019

  • bug fix

     Minor bug fixing

  • enhancement

    Freemius SDK integration

  • enhancement

    VIP compatible


– 19 Nov 2019

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.3.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 3.8.x


– 01 July 2019

  • enhancement

    Compatible with Freemius SDK version 2.3.0


– 08 May 2019

  • new

    Initial release