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Feature Requests

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Hello I am using the WC Extra fee plugin. I want to change the position of the Extra fee container. For that, I found the article https://docs.thedotstore.com/article/672-custom-filters From where I am using the code below: add_filter( ‘optional_fee_display_default_hook’, ‘optional_fee_display_default_hook_custom’, 10,1 ); function optional_fee_display_default_hook_custom( $default_title ) { return ‘woocommerce_review_order_before_payment’; //OR //return ‘woocommerce_after_order_notes’; } Here is the screenshot for changing the position of the extra fee container https://prnt.sc/7GOx8pL1_LcP
Declined Category: WC Extra Fees 634a8254e4aa21c6f88e270d59e91764?s=40&d=mm&r=g kamalpreet shared this idea

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