Product Attachment for WooCommerce


– 11 Jun 2024

  • bug fix

    Minor fixes related to edit product attachments

  • bug fix

    Minor fixes related to the order attachments

  • enhancement

    Plugin UI enhancement

  • enhancement

    Plugin compatibility with PHP 8.2.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 8.9.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 6.5.x


– 3 Apr 2024

  • bug fix

    Minor bug fixes related to attachment sorting

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 8.7.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 6.4.x


– 28 Mar 2024

  • bug fix

    Resolved issue with empty brackets appearing when using external URLs for downloads.

  • enhancement

    Added product page attachment sorting

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 8.7.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 6.4.x


– 15 Sep 2023

  • bug fix

    Quick fix related to an Uncaught error on the admin order page by using the valid date function

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 8.1.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 6.3.x


– 18 Aug 2023

  • bug fix

    Minor fixes related to the plugin version switching issues

  • bug fix

    Minor fixes related to the Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability

  • enhancement

    Removed deprecated feature – “External URL link button action”

  • enhancement

    Plugin compatibility with WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS)

  • enhancement

    Plugin UI enhancement

  • enhancement

    Introduced plugin setup wizard

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 8.0.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 6.3.x


– 24 July 2023

  • bug fix

    Minor fixes related to the Bulk Product Attachment Import feature

  • bug fix

    Minor fixes related to the compatibility issue with the Flatsome theme

  • enhancement

    Quick fix related to the Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 7.9.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 6.2.x


– 21 February 2023

  • bug fix

    Minor fixes related to the bulk attachments save message

  • bug fix

    Minor fixes related to the plugin settings label

  • bug fix

    Minor fixes related to the get attachments from product SKU

  • bug fix

    Minor fixes related to the attachment shortcode

  • new

    Ability to set bulk attachments on specific product attributes

  • new

    Added a few default attachments icons to select

  • enhancement

    Plugin compatibility with PHP 8.1.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 7.4.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 6.1.x


– 29 December 2022

  • bug fix

    Minor fixes related to the allow bulk attachments with user roles

  • bug fix

    Minor fixes related to the attached file size with bulk attachments

  • bug fix

    Minor fixes related to the attachments size visibility on the order details page

  • bug fix

    Minor fixes related to the attachments expire date visibility on the order details page

  • bug fix

    Minor fixes related to the my account page attachments

  • bug fix

    Minor fixes related to the user and order attachments visibility in the download tab

  • bug fix

    Minor fixes related to the attachment list position feature

  • bug fix

    Minor fixes related to the admin order details page attachments

  • bug fix

    Minor fixes related to the admin order attachments

  • bug fix

    Minor fixes related to the youtube video attachments

  • bug fix

    Minor fixes related to the attachments link target on the order details page

  • bug fix

    Minor fixes related to the external URL attachments in the download tab

  • bug fix

    Minor fixes related to the single product page attachments with over 1000 variants

  • bug fix

    Compatible with PHPCS coding standard and PHP8

  • new

    Shortcode for search attachments by products, attachments name, and categories

  • new

    Ability to set title for the attachments sent by admin

  • new

    Ability to remove background color from attachment icons

  • new

    Ability to set user attachments button visibility on the checkout page

  • enhancement

    Deprecated feature – “External URL link button action”

  • enhancement

    UI enhancement

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 7.2.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 6.1.x


– 13 September 2022

  • bug fix

    Fixed a minor bug concerning Elementor page templates

  • enhancement

    Added filter to display WPML main language attachments if no attachments were added

  • enhancement

    Compatibility of the plugin with WooCommerce Extra Product Options Plugin

  • enhancement

    Compatibility with ACF and Rank Math SEO plugins

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 6.8.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 6.0.x


– 28 June 2022

  • bug fix

    Compatibility issue with Rank Math SEO plugin

  • bug fix

    Compatibility issue with Kadence WooCommerce Email Designer plugin

  • bug fix

    Minor bug fixed related to not found order ID

  • bug fix

    File download not working with multisite

  • bug fix

    Product auto-publish issue when deleting the attachment

  • bug fix

    Set attachments action as download or view

  • enhancement

    Improvise Plugin layout and design

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 6.6.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 6.0.x


– 10 March 2022

  • enhancement

    Security patch

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 6.3.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.9.x


– 22 Feb 2022

  • bug fix

    Removed default title and description when there are no attachments in the order

  • bug fix

    JS file confliction issue with the ACF plugin

  • new

    Added option to select download type for the attachments

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 6.2.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.9.x


– 28 Dec 2021

  • bug fix

    JS file confliction issue with the ACF Plugin

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 6.0.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.8.x


– 22 Oct 2021

  • new

    Allow users to upload their own attachments during the checkout process

  • new

    Showcase attachments based on shortcode attributes

  • new

    Send email attachments as the default email attachments

  • new

    Allow admin to send attachments for each order

  • new

    Custom import attachments by SKU’s

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 5.8.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.8.x


– 06 Oct 2021

  • new

    Bulk delete attachments

  • new

    Import/Export Bulk Attachments

  • new

    Drag and Drop Bulk attachments to change orders

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 5.7.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.8.x


– 16 Aug 2021

  • bug fix

    Minor bug fixed

  • enhancement

    Fully compatible with “Enable Media Replace” plugin

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 5.5.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.5.x


– 4 May 2021

  • new

    Created new shortcode for custom template

  • new

    Showcase Youtube Link in new tab

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 5.2.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.7.x


– 8 Apr 2021

  • bug fix

    Minor bug fixed

  • new

    Supported grouped products

  • new

    Compatibility with Loco Translate


– 23 Mar 2021

  • new

    Option to show each attachment for guest or members only

  • new

    Option to open each attachment in new/same window

  • new

    Global settings to show attachments with size

  • new

    Global settings to set product attachment tab default selected

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 5.1.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.7.x


– 31 Dec 2020

  • bug fix

    Minor bug fixed

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 4.8.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.6.x


– 02 Dec 2020

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 4.7.1

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.5.3


– 25 Nov 2020

  • bug fix

    Minor bug fixed


– 25 Sept 2020

  • new

    Show Attachments Button on Orders Listing Page

  • new

    Attachment List Position on Order Details Page

  • new

    Select to which order status email the attachment as to be attached

  • new

    Show Attachments in Download Tab

  • new

    Hide/show attachments on thank you page

  • enhancement

    UI Change

  • enhancement

    Upload all type of attachment

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 4.5.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.5.x


– 27 Apr 2020

  • enhancement

    Changed default “Show on Product page” option to Yes

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 4.0.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.4.x


– 04 Feb 2020

  • bug fix

    If site hosted on shared hosting with sub directory path then attach file display the blank screen

  • bug fix

    Product bulk attachment file upload link not working in admin order meta field


– 30 Jan 2020

  • bug fix

    Minor Bug Fixing


– 29 Jan 2020

  • bug fix

    Undefined index bug in wc-product-attachment-admin

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 3.9.x


– 28 Jan 2020

  • bug fix

    Remove prefix ‘_pro’ for all variable, function and filet

  • bug fix

    Minor Bug Fixing

  • enhancement

    Migration Process


– 10 Dec 2019

  • bug fix

    Change minified js for bulk attachment

  • bug fix

    Minor Bug Fixing

  • new

    Add new functionality to Action on click Attachment

  • new

    Add new functionality to Bulk Attachment For Specific item(s)/category(ies)/tag(s)

  • enhancement

    VIP minimum


– 13 Nov 2019

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress 5.3.x

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WooCommerce 3.8.x


– 01 July 2019

  • enhancement

    Compatible with Freemius SDK version 2.3.0


– 28 May 2019

  • new

    Add new functionality to Show Attachments in My Account page

  • new

    Add new functionality to Product Page Attachments Restrict Downloads

  • new

    Add new functionality to Attachments Icon/Download Button

  • new

    Add new functionality to Attachment Type in Bulk Attachment

  • new

    Add new functionality to Select Multiple Product in Bulk Attachment

  • new

    Add new functionality to Assignment in Bulk Attachment

  • new

    Add new functionality to Set Expire Date With Time Amount in Bulk Attachment

  • enhancement

    Compatible with WordPress Version 5.2.x and WooCommerce version 3.6.x


– 15 Feb 2019

  • bug fix

    Category field is not displaying in bulk attachment with Latest WP

  • new

    Attachment display in email or not

  • enhancement

    Check Compatibility WordPress 5.0.x and WooCommerce 3.5.x


– 12 Dec 2018

  • bug fix

    File Download issue

  • enhancement

    Check Compatibility WordPress 5.0.x and WooCommerce 3.4.x


– 18 Sep 2018

  • bug fix

    Fix vulnerable plugin issue

  • enhancement

    Check Compatibility WordPress 4.9.8 and WooCommerce 3.4.5


– 17 April 2018

  • Fix attachment download issue

  • enhancement

    Check WooCoomercs Compatibility with version 3.3.x


– 07 March 2018

  • bug fix

    Multiple attachments missing on order page

  • bug fix

    Tab title conflict when multiple attachments there

  • new

    Make attachment – Product tag specific


– 08 Feb 2018

  • bug fix

    Order Page Title tab issue

  • new

    Product Page Attachments Restrict Downloads(Logged In Users and Guest user)

  • new

    Show Attachments Icon(PDF, DOC)/Download Button

  • new

    Attachments Date Label Show

  • enhancement

    Compatible with latest WooCoomercs version 3.3.x


– 01 Jan 2018

  • bug fix

    PHP Error resolve in admin side order edit page

  • enhancement

    Check WooCoomercs Compatibility with version 3.2.6


– 12 Dec 2017

  • bug fix

    Download file issue


– 03 Nov 2017

  • bug fix

    Fixed issue


– 25 Oct 2017

  • bug fix

    Fix attachment download issue on windows server

  • bug fix

    File read issue resolve

  • bug fix

    Fix Validation issue

  • bug fix

    Fix Empty order status in a multi-attachment


– 15 Oct 2017

  • bug fix

    Fix attachment download issue


– 10 Oct 2017

  • new

    Initial release